Our technicians study the best combinations of components and adjust to your budget to provide the most optimal equipment within it.
We assemble custom-built computers from scratch, and the estimated delivery time depends on the component stock. The computers are delivered ready to use, tested with performance and temperature tests.
Of course, if you already have a gaming PC, we'll optimize it and recommend component upgrades for better performance.
If you're interested in purchasing a Gaming PC, we advise you at all times, seeking quality assurance and meeting all your needs within your budget. We can also recommend where to buy your parts: Amazon, PCcomponentes, etc.
Contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or simply by filling out the contact form.
We will cover all your needs and offer you several proposals that fit within your budget.
Once a price quote is accepted and the components are paid for, we'll order and provide you with its follow-up.
We will assemble the PC, install the OS, test it, and if everything is perfect, proceed with shipping/delivery.
If you have any doubts about what type of Gaming PC or components you need, feel free to contact us, and we will advise you or create a complete gaming build with its respective benchmark and bottleneck calculation to ensure it will perform at 100%
Whether you purchase the parts from us, want us to recommend where to buy them, or already have your components, we will take care of assembling your gaming PC.
We will perform a professional assembly, always aiming to hide as many cables as possible and ensure the tower looks impeccable. We test the PC before delivery (temperature test, stress test, HDD test, FPS, etc.).
Assembled and with the operating system ready to use, combining services, you'll have your PC assembled from components you chose with us or purchased elsewhere. With this package, your PC will be ready to plug in and play.
In the OS installation, we include antivirus software, decompressor, browsers (Chrome & Firefox), PDF reader, multimedia application (VLC), office software, Discord, Skype, Steam & Battlenet, so you have everything ready to go.
We will fresh install Windows 10 (Recommended) or Windows 11 as required. You'll be able to use the PC and do whatever you need just by plugging it in. We'll leave everything ready for you.
In the OS installation, we include antivirus software, decompressor, browsers (Chrome & Firefox), PDF reader, multimedia application (VLC), office software, Discord, Skype, Steam & Battlenet, so you have everything ready to go.
If you already have a tower and want to upgrade or install a new component, we can do it without any problem on the same day, testing that it works correctly.
The price varies depending on which components, whether drivers are included in the installation, whether tower rewiring is needed, etc. We perform a system restore point and performance and stress tests to ensure that the equipment is working perfectly and that the component is performing well.
Dust cleaning, using a special liquid for cleaning electronic circuits, replacing thermal paste on the processor and graphics card, and conducting tests.
If the PC wasn't wired properly, we take care of rewiring and assembling it correctly.
You notice that your PC is running slower than usual, and you begin to see that it's not performing as well as before, but you don't want to format the PC.
We take care of optimizing it, cleaning system junk, and optimizing Windows services that may cause memory or CPU leaks.
IWe install closed-loop liquid cooling and include a 24-month warranty, conducting leak and temperature tests annually.
Tip: It's necessary to make sure beforehand whether the cooling fits in your tower and doesn't interfere or collide with any components already installed.
We installthe best liquid cooling custom systems, we use the brand and color of your choice. This includes leak and temperature tests.
Tip: It's necessary to make sure beforehand whether the cooling fits in your tower and doesn't interfere or collide with any components already installed.
All our PCs assembled by us share the following services in common. However, you can customize and complement them according to your needs with our maintenance plans.
Whether it's a complete PC or components to upgrade an existing one, our assembly service already includes everything necessary in its price.
By default, we install Windows 10 Professional with a license and optimized for gaming.
All PCs undergo several tests before delivery: stress, temperature, ventilation, and performance. Warranty on assembly and components (2 years).
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